Cmn. John 'JP' Nekelan

JP Nekelan serves as a damage control technician on the USS Orpheus. (Alpha Shift).  

Psychological Profile

Nekelan is very observant but his mind is prone to catastrpohic thinking leading to slippery slope logic trains that take actual observations and sending him down a rabbit hole where he then concludes that all Vulcans have secretly turned into bats or some other nonsense completely divorced from reality. This kind of imaginative thinking would be an excellent asset for creative works of fiction but Nekelan has this idea that he is a speaker for truth and that it is his destiny to write some big story that will shake the Federation to its core.   While joining Starfleet is a concession that perhaps he needs to re-evaluate this goal, he has proven to be a perfectly competent technician. By all peer accounts he is a solid worker and pleasant enough to work with, so long as one carefully avoids any conversations related to the many conspiracies that he believes in.   NOTE: Nekelan was one of three survivors that were present when Cmdr. McCord was killed. By order of Lt. Cmdr. Duhl his testimony has been filed and sealed.  

Biographical Overview[/h2[ From a very young age growing up on Earth, Nekelan wanted to be a journalist. During his primary education he ran a school news outlet and upon graduation in 2372 he became a freelance investigative reporter. He worked independently to uncover noteworthy news and while his first series of articles were of middling success he became obsessed with the idea of "body snatchers" invading Starfleet and Federation leadership, During this time period, it is now known that Changlings from The Dominion were infiltrating Federation space but Nekelan took the hints of reality and went in a very different direction. He envisioned an elaborate plot regarding clones and a shadow council within the Federation pulling the strings. While he did correctly identify some Changling agents, his conclusions were so wildly off from reality that he was unable to get any serious attention on his findings. When the Dominion War erupted and Changling infiltrators became more common knowledge, Nekelan realized to his embarssment that he had skewed the facts to serve his narrative. In 2377 he published a formal apology and promised to do better next time. In 2378 he enlisted within Starfleet using his experience jury rigging his own equipment into an entry point as an engineering technician. He was assigned to the USS Orpheus.

Starfleet Academy Class
N/A, enlisted in 2378
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2378-Present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
November 3rd, 2354
Year of Birth
2354 27 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations