Cmn. Jonathan Brence

Jonathan Brence serves as a yeoman on the USS Orpheus.  

Psychological Profile

The Brence written about in the war reports and the Brence that is physically in front of me seem so different as to be two completely different people. On paper, Brence is intelligent, brave, sociable, and a war hero. The Brence that i have talked to is meek, accident prone, self-interested and seems physically incapable of doing the things written about. Starfleet Psyche has made multiple inquiries to investigate if there is a clone situation or a sibling that is impersonating Brence but physical records and genetic markers seem to indicate there is only one Brence. My professional opinion, therefore, is that the debriefings are lying about Brence's actions during the war. For some reason his infantry unit decided to build Brence up and now he has built up a mythological reputation that the reality cannot hope to match. Disregarding that incongruity, Brence is fine as a yeoman. Not great, not particularly competent but he can do odd tasks and relay messages and material throughout the ship. Further investigation is warranted regarding his war record and Brence is very reluctant to talk about any of it.  

Biographical Overview

Brence's upbringing could best be described as "average". He grew upon a busy colony, his parents were senior officers in Starfleet and his resulting academics were middle of the pack. He expressed interest in joining Starfleet but never seemed to display the drive or talent to pass the exams and when he graduated primary education in 2371 he did not even bother applying. Instead security reports list him as being in social networks of known criminals an smugglers. Although Brence was never accused of any crimes, he started to become present where crimes were occurring.
  This changed in 2374 as the Dominion War heated up, Brence reportedly got intoxicated on Romulan ale and enlisted to be a soldier on the front lines. By pre-war standards he would have washed out of basic training but due to the demands of the war he was pushed through and joined the front lines. Stationed out of Starbase 504, Brence became a war hero over the next two years with report after report indicating his bravery and quick thinking saving the day. His actions ended up earning him twelve medals and a promotion to Petty Officer in order to lead a team. This unfortunately ended up being a disaster and the team was almost completely wiped out long before they even reached front lines. Upon the conclusion of the Dominion War, Brence was demoted back to crewman due to negligence on duty and then re-assigned to deep space exploration on the USS Orpheus.
Starfleet Academy Class
N/A, enlisted in 2374
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2376-Present)
Previous Assignments
Starbase 504 (2374-2376)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
July 17th, 2353
Year of Birth
2353 28 Years old
Alpha Centauri IV
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations