Cmn. Kela Bodan (Kell-ah Boe-dan)

Kela Bodan is a lab technician serving on the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

Bodan harbors deep psychological trauma from her childhood. Between the panic that came from fleeing Cardassia to the prejudice she must have faced due to being a Cardassian among Bajoran refugees as Cardassian war crimes were breaking in the news compounded the problem. It is unfair to blame a Cardassian child for the actions of Gul Dukat or other Union leaders however people still refocus their anger on otherwise innocent targets. She has developed a meek and timid presentation and often addresses people in a submissive state with her head slightly bowed and eyes averted. She also has shown difficulty in setting up a social network around her and instead spends much of her time messaging her mother and brother back on Earth. However when she is able to relax her guard and open up there is a social butterfly just waiting to emerge. She has a quick and subtle sense of humor, and a confident, almost debonair persona that emerges when she feels that she is allowed to express her true self.   

Biographical Overview

Bodan grew up in a time of turmoil for Cardassia. Bajoran resistance to the occupation had raised troubling questions among the populace and only the oppressive action by the Obsidian Order kept the messaging around Bajor neat and clean. Bodan's father became an outspoken critic of the Occupation publishing several opinions that the military investment and the long term harm to Cardassia's political standing was not worth the minerals and resources being extracted from the planet. Ultimately this opinion piece cost Bodan's father his life and forced Bodan and her mother to flee to the Federation as political refugees. Although the Federation was reluctant to accept Cardassians due to the occupation, ultimately the asylum plea was granted and Bodan was relocated to Earth  Bodan struggled in school and there are several incidents of her being attacked by Bajoran children as Earth was harboring a large number of Bajoran refugees as well and this hostility caused her school work to suffer. Her poor grades made her ineligible for continuing education and she seemed little inclined to try to pursue a career in academics. After struggling to get a job, possibly due to the prejudices against Cardassians at the time, she enlisted into Starfleet's science division. While she did not test very well she was competent enough to assist others in their experimentation and she was assigned to the USS Nightingale where she has quietly served since.
Starfleet Academy
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2376-present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
August 25th, 2354
Year of Birth
2355 26 Years old
Cardassia Prime
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations