Cmn. Liliya Marchenko (Lih-lih-yah Mar-chen-co)

Liliya Marchenko is an ordanance specialist working on the USS Orpheus.  

Psychological Profile

Marchenko is hiding somethig, that much is obvious. The real challenge lies in discovering what she is hiding. It is clear that the gap in her history involves criminal activity but what is unclear is both the severeity and extent of those crimes. There is a big difference in Starfleets eyes whether she was a smuggler or an assassin. Without any formal charges, however, it ends up being pure speculation. Despite these misgivings she is an adequate crewman, nothing spectacular either good or bad. She displays a bit of a temper but takes effort to keep it in check and really the only concerns from her service is a tendency to indulge too much when on leave and get into minor skirmishes in the local bars. Over intoxication also tends to lead to her being reseponsible for several petty crimes like curfew violations and petty vandalism. Her fellow crew have described her as "fun" on shore leave, however so these minor disruptions should be weighed against the morale boost her presence tends to bring during shore leave.   NOTE: In 2378 Marchenko gave birth to a daughter, Anzhela.    

Biographical Overview

Marchenko grew up on Earth and seemed to quickly fall into a bad peer group. She and her friends were regular acquaintences of local security, she struggled with her academics and upon completing primary education in 2362 she just seemed to drift around the Federation before falling completely off the grid. There are sparadic reports of her apparently being involved with an Orion Syndicate but nothing official. During this time she accumulated dozens of pretty offenses but avoided any major criminal charges. After 2364 there are no more reports about her indicating she had either gone completely off the grid or had left Federation space entirely.   In 2370 she was found with nearly fatal injuries in an maintenance corridor on Starbase 15. There were no entries of her even boarding the Starbase and she provided only vague answers as to how she got there and who had attacked her. After recovering she agreed to resolve the various petty crimes she was accused of through service to Starfleet. She enlisted into Starfleet security and served on the Tellarite ship USS Glin Bav Expanse. She completed her required duty in 2373 and enlisted for another tour, this time being placed on the recently comissioned USS Oprheus. In 2375 she indicated an interest in becoming an ordinance technician and in 2376 passed the required certifications transitioning from security into weaponry.
Starfleet Academy Class
N/A, enlisted in 2370
Martial Status
Single, 1 child
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2373-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Glin Bav Expanse [NCC-43094] (2370-2373)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
November 14th, 2344
Year of Birth
2344 37 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations