Cmn. Oshren 'Cannon' Ch'kaonin

Oshren 'Canon' Ch'kaonin serves as a damage control technician on the USS Orpheus. (Beta Shift)  

Psychological Profile

His nickname of "Loose Cannon" is one made in jest. Cannon is very fastidious, rule bound and displays minor OCD tendencies. This has caused his fellow crew to joke constantly about his reckless nature or how he plays fast and loose with his work which only winds him up further. It seems that this is being performed in social jest as opposed to outright bullying but it is important to monitor how Cannon feels about the situation.  

Biographical Overview

Cannon was born on Andoria into a "Starfleet family". He became used to talking to one or more parents remotely and having them cycle in and out. In 2370 he became very sick with a rare infectious disease and while he eventually did recover, it set him back in his schoolwork. He was determined to apply to Starfleet Academy when he graduated and despite the recommendation of his teachers and parents he took the exams anyway but did not achieve placement within Starfleet. His parents offered to help him study and re-take the tests next year but in 2373 the Dominion War broke out and he lost two of his parents during the subsequent battles. He ended up taking the Academy exams three more times without successful placement. Finally in 2376 he enlisted, bypassing the officer track in order to get into Starfleet any way he could. Upon completing the engineering certification he was placed on the USS Orpheus. In 2377 during a routine away mission exploring alien ruins an Orion raiding party ambushed the team. The Orpheus had to warp away and regroup stranding the away team and Cannon was trapped and isolated within the ruins. He was able to improvise an energy source to reactivate some ancient defenses and disable the Orions rescuing the other away team members.

Since this time, however, he has requested to opt out of any more away missions.
Starfleet Academy Class
N/A, enlisted in 2376
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2376-Present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
November 2nd, 2354
Year of Birth
2354 27 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations