Cmn. Raviahl 'Ravi' Ch'kokris (Rah-vee)

Raviahl "Ravi" Ch'kokris serves as a security crewman on the USS Orpheus  

Psychological Overview

Man who served in the war brought back scars and while Ravi was never wounded in battle, being in the middle of so much death has left a noticable impact on him. While in combat situations he is active, alert, and his training makes him incredibly capable and dangerous, during normal operations he seems unmotivated. Colleagues have likened it to him sleepwalking as he seems listless and often needs even basic instructions repeated. There is no question about his competency, but serious concerns about burnout and PTSD. Still all his tests show him performing within acceptable parameters but if his mental state worsens he will likely need to be recalled for more detailed analysis.    

Biographical Overview

Ravi was born into a large family, as is typical for Andorian family units, and for the most part seemed to fly under the radar as a child. His family has long ties to Starfleet tracing some of their ancestors all the way back to founding officials and generals in the Federation. Ravi seemed to have little interest in academics instead focusing more on physical activities, namely Chaka Hramdal. After graduating from primary education he entered professional Chaka combat tournaments but he never broke out of the middle of the pack. In 2369 he shifted tracks and enlisted in Starfleet to put his combat training to better use. He was assigned to the USS Salk which operatedas a hospital ship. When the Dominion War broke out, Ravi was selected for special assignment as a combat medic specializing in hot zone extraction. His team would be present during major operations to retrieve the wounded from the battlefield. Equal parts medic and commando, his team successfully extracted wounded Starfleet personnel from some of the most active fronts during the war and he earned a chest full of medals for his work. When the Dominion War concluded he was offered a promotion but turned it down. In 2376 he requested transfer from the Salk and was stationed at Starbase 647 as a customs inspector. In 2378 he requested transfer to the USS Orpheus to be part of a deep space exploration mission.
Starfleet Academy Class
N/A, enlisted in 2369
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2378-Present)
Previous Assignments
Starbase 647 (2376-2378)
USS Salk [NCC-72679] (2369-2376)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
June 5th, 2345
Year of Birth
2345 36 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations