Cmn. Tanner Rodriquez (Tan-ner Rod-ree-cue-ez)

Tanner Rodriquez is a damage control technician serving on the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

Rodriquez is quite a cool dude. The entire evaluation force is envious of his ability to command a room. The way that he looks just swell dressed up or dressed down is a thing of envy. Whether in his formal attire or on casual Friday, Rodriquez knows how to look good in any situation. The best part about Rodriquez is that it comes off as completely effortless. His sense of style is as magnetic as his personality. A raconteur of the highest order, Rodriquez is a natural storyteller but while he is happy to hold court with the crew hanging off his every word, he is equally satisfied in just listening and is both a confidant and friend to everyone on the crew. All in all to summarize Rodriquez, he's the real deal no doubt about it. Just check out this addendum right here.   ADDENDUM: Rodriquez is friends with just about the whole crew, even those he has just met recently over the past few weeks. Everyone loves Rodriquez and there isn't a single complaint to be heard about him.

Biographical Overview

Rodriquez was born in someplace at sometime. Let's be honest, nobody will ever read this so what does it matter what is written here? That isn't even his real birthday. His real birthdate is something boring like 2347. He was probably born on Earth because let's be honest, of course he was. He's human. There are only like three planets in the entire Federation that aren't blown up or wiped out by space pox or taken over by sentient lizards or something. He then went to school and probably was a bully or something. No, you know what? He was the bully. Rodriquez was the coolest kid at school. He got all the friends and all the chicks and dudes and everyone who was anyone wanted to be friends with Rodriquez. He graduated in, I dunno, let's say 2365 although it should really be four years later if you get what I'm saying. Anyway, where was I. Oh yeah, he probably served on a few ships. In 2366 he served on the USS Idunno and then in 2369 he was transfered to the USS Nice which is a nonstop party. Then in 2369 he left the Nice to work on the USS Whocares because I sure don't and probably you don't either. Nobody reads these Starfleet bios to the end. They just read the psychological profile and check the notes at the bottom. Like this.   NOTE: Due to exemplary performance Rodriquez should be fast tracked for promotion and even officer track. His performance could not be better and many people from crew to Admirals think that a guy like Rodriquez should be running Starfleet by the end of the year.
Starfleet Academy
N/A Martial Status
Single and loving it
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2375-present)
Previous Assignments
USUS Whocares (2369-2376)
USS Nice (2369-2369)
USS Idunno(2366-2369)
Current Status
Active and Awesome
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
Ask me later
Probably Earth
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations