Cmn. Trevor Payne

Trevor Payne is part of a damage control team on the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

Payne has a history of excellent work although there are a few moments of turmoil. Given his childhood, having to relocate colonists ended up being a poor initial assignment for his belief in Starfleet as he has repeatedly mentioned the parallels between Starfleet letting the Cardassians get the colonist's hard work on Volon III to his own home world being evacuated and then looted while they were absent. This has resulted in him becoming jaded towards the noble cause that Starfleet is supposed to encompass and he has instead focused on the job as less a calling to be better and improve himself and more as an obligation. Although his work record is excellent is not a guarantee that he wants to grow within Starfleet or continue to serve. Especially with his daughter growing up without him, his recent evaluations seem to indicate he will likely ask to leave soon.  

Biographical Overview

Payne was born during an emergency evacuation of a Federation colony. A passing asteroid was going to emit dangerous levels of theta radiation triggering an emergency evacuation. Payne was born on one of the logistic ships used, the USS. Capricon. For the next three years Payne's family lived as refugees moving from charity to charity as they waited for the radiation at their home to fall back to safe levels. In 2354 his family returned back to their home only to find the entire town had been ransacked by scavengers who had snuck past the Federation blockade and risked the lethal radiation to steal unattended wealth and technology.   Forced to rebuild their lives, his family put in for resettlement for a new colony and in 2355 they were relocated to Volan III where they lived as settlers and farmers until 2370 when the Federation-Cardassian treaty ceded Volan system to the Cardassians. While his family prepared to relocate again, Payne instead chose to enlist in Starfleet. Instead of a typical assignment he was part of Starfleet assigned to helping relocate colonists off of worlds being given over to the Cardassians. In 2372 he received his first ship assignment on the USS Nightingale, joining shortly before the Dominion War and he spent the entire war on the opposite side of Federation space conducting science missions.   In 2373 he married Dr. Nachema Wilder who had been stationed on board the Nightingale and in 2375 his daughter, Zmira, was born.   ADDENDUM: The previous captain of the Nightingale, Cpt. Blake, put a note in his personnel file that due to excellent performance Payne should be considered for promotion to Petty Officer.   NOTE: KIA on the NX Atlantis
Starfleet Academy
N/A Martial Status
Married (Nechama Payne), 1 child
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2372-present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Date of Birth
August 16th, 2351
2351 23677 21326 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed in crossfire during rescue of the NX Atlantis
USS Capricorn
Place of Death
NX Atlantis
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations