Cmn. Upyol Shesal (Up-yall See-shall)

Upyol Sheshal serves as a hull technician on the USS Orpheus. (Gamma Shift)  

Psychological Profile

Upyol was denied a real childhood due to the occupation of his homeworld. He was forced to defend himself and his homeworld at a very young age. Just when things looked to stabilize, he was thrown back into the Dominion War. A positive sign is that in 2377 he married his long-time girlfriend with whom he was starting to raise a family however now that the war is over it seems that he is having issues heading back to a more relaxed environment. He has a wife and children waiting for him on Starbase 507 but he elected to go on an exploration voyage that will take him far away from his family. This is fairly common with new parents suddenly dealing with the pressures of having a family and the trauma from nearly a decade of warfare and insuregency have definitely impacted his outlook. He has responded by throwing himself into his work and is dedicated and fearless when it comes to going EV for hull repairs. Anything assigned to him, he will strive to do so supervisors are advised to be conscious of the things they task Upyol because he will move every mountain and burn every bridge to complete his "mission" and seems unable to give anything less than 110% on any work that he does.    

Biographical Overview

Upyol was born on Bajor during the height of the Cardassian Union occupation. His parents were part of an active rebel cell and he spent his childhood being smuggled around to various relatives or even staying at rebel camps when there wasn't anyone else available. Eventually he grew old enough and in 2363 he went on his first raid and by 2369 when Cardassia departed he had over a dozen kills to his name. When Cardassia left Bajor he joined the provincial government to help with reconstruction efforts.   When the Dominion War erupted in 2373 he fled Bajor and enlisted in Starfleet as a combat engineer. He served in multiple fierce engagements over the next two years as part of an assault team based on Starbase 507. When the war ended he once again transitioned into reconstruction efforts where he helped rebuild Bajor and other colonies that had been ravaged by the war. In 2378 he requested transfer to an exploration vessel and he was assigned to the USS Orpheus.
Starfleet Academy Class
N/A, enlisted in 2373
Martial Status
Married (Upyol Jilez, 2 children)
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2378-Present)
Previous Assignments
Starbase 517 (2373-2378)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
November 27th, 2348
Year of Birth
2348 33 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations