Cmn. Vrubu Agarn

Vrubu Agarn is an EPS technician serving on the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

Vrubu has placed a lot of belief in the rumor that his family can command Crystalline Entitites. There is no evidence of any Crystalline Entitites ever visiting the Bajor system which, according to Vrubu, is because of his ancestors protecting that sector of space with their "link." Besides this one thing, Vrubu otherwise is perfectly fit to serve. Because his family avoided the worst of the Cardassian occupation he has a somewhat spoiled view of the whole era and has shown a lack of tact when referencing that period to other Bajoran personnel. His superiors on Deep Space 9 compliment the excellent work that he did but note that overall his personality is still immature and he has a lot of personal growth to accomplish. 

Biographical Overview

Vrubu was born in a poor colony on Bajor VIII that was heavily oppressed by the Cardassian Union occupiers. While growing up the colony saw a population reduction of over 40% although Vrubu's family was largely untouched due to a rumor that spread that his grandfather had a telepathic link with a Crystalline Entity and could call it if any harm befell his family. It was a ludicrous rumor and yet the Cardassians seemed to believe in it and none dared call their bluff.   When the Cardassians withdrew Vrubu along with many other Bajorans viewed the Federation as their saviors and in 2376 Vrubu enlisted as an operations technician. After a brief stint serving on Deep Space 9 he was assigned to the USS Nightingale.
Starfleet Academy
N/A Martial Status
Married (Vrubu Ote)
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2377-present)
Previous Assignments
Deep Space 9 (2376-2376)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
December 2nd, 2357
Year of Birth
2357 24 Years old
Bajor VIII
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations