Cmn. Waadeld Olriale (Wah-deld Ole-ree-al)

Waadeld Olriale serves as a security crewman on the USS Orpheus. (Zeta Team)  

Psychological Profile

Waadeld is young, passionate, and idealistic. She has almost mythologized Starfleet and obsesses over the careers and stories surrounding key Starfleet personnel. At times her views can be a little overbearing and when her idealized vision of Starfleet doesn't match the reality it has a chance of triggering conflict and a crisis of her ideals. Still, she seems very receptive to improvement and is noted for extreme selflessness during training exercises. As long as it is packaged in terms of Starfleet virtues she does not hesitate to volunteer for even the hardest or most dangerous assignments.

NOTE: Waadeld has expressed extreme interest in taking the officer exams and eventually becoming a Starfleet captain. Such a path is long and difficult and rare but not impossible. She has been advised to find a mentor among the senior staff to learn more about what being an officer and a leader entails.    

Biographical Overview

Waadeld was born on Bajor towards the end of the Cardassian Union occupation in 2360. By this point the Cardassians were struggling to maintain control over the suppressed Bajorans and Waadeld grew up with freedoms and opportunities completely new for her people. When the Cardassians withdrew in 2369 completely it ushered in a great period of hope and prosperity and Waadeld attributed this to the Federation. She indicated at an early age she wanted to join Starfleet and become a captain like her heroes Picard and Sisko. In 2373 however as she was entering the final stages of primary education the Dominion War broke out. A Jem-Hadar raid devestated her town. Officially the Bajorans were neutral but fearing another war, her family tried to relocate but struggled to find a safe place within the Federation among the millions of other war refugees.   In the end Waadeld struggled academically and when she graduated in 2378 her application to Starfleet Academy was turned down. Undeterred, she immediately enlisted at the nearest recruitment office and upon completing basic training was assinged as a security crewman on the USS Oprheus.
Starfleet Academy Class
N/A, enlisted in 2378
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2378-Present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
December 28th, 2360
Year of Birth
2360 21 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations