DaiMon Pala Teik

DaiMon Pala Teik operates as a merchant and industrialist on Yondar.   DaiMon Teik first arrived on Yondar in 2366 and after years of negotiations and trade agreements in 2370 he was allowed permission to set foot on the planet and directly invest in Yondar industries. Since then his business empire has exploded and he maintains factories all over the planet manufacturing everything from weapons to luxuries to consumer goods.   His status as a merchant is viewed with considerable disregard however even the most xenophobic among the Yondar recognize that DaiMon Tiek's ties to the Ferengi Alliance have opened up vital trade avenues and as the "face" of the Ferengi he is able to extract large margins on shipping and manufacturing contracts.   DaiMon Teik maintains a grand building in the Yondar capital functions as both a palatial residence and corporate workspace.
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