
Yondar is the home planet of the Yondar and the central capital of the Kingdom of Yondarim.
In 131 Yondar plunged into an ice age that has gripped the planet ever since. The surface is plagued by storms of snow and plunging cold fronts. Early Yondar survived by living in mountainous caves and cultivating crops and livestock entirely underground. As time has gone on they have dug deeper and deeper under the surface eventually learing to tap into geothermic heat for warmth and survival.
By 2370 the surface of Yondar has been almost completely abandoned to the elements. Now the only signs of civilization are the "ice domes", landing pads protected by powerful forcefield generators to serve as the link between the Yondar and the rest of the galaxy. Thin sheets of ice quickly build up on the exterior of these domes requiring incoming craft to "break" through the ice. This subterranean existence is what sheltered the Yondar from being taken over by the Xanid Suzerainty however this did not hide them from the Tzynn Star Empire.