Dr. Grevex B (Grev-ex)

Grevex B is a scientist working on the USS Nightingale. His background is in Applied Physics although his work has branched into Chemistry on board the Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

Grevex B is a concentrated dose of extroversion and thrill seeking from the original individual, Grevex. While he is still highly intelligent and very highly educated it has proven difficult for him to focus on his work and he has logged an unusually large number of hours on holodeck programs, especially ones involving extreme sports or combat. It seems that in the time since the split happened he has developed coping mechanisms and the aspects of Grevex that were concentrated have been tempered. In the beginning Grevex B couldn't sit still for thirty seconds and  actively rejected any attempts at work. Now that he has had to live this way for twenty years he is able to sit down and be productive however the level of work is still not anywhere close to the original Grevex or Grevex A. Colleagues describe Grevex B as intense and temperamental however he is also very gregarious and overall has received positive remarks from his co-workers.    NOTE: Grevex B must be kept separated from his duplicate, Grevex A. He is highly susceptible to Doppleganger Psychosis and prolonged interaction with his duplicate may result in a psychotic break and acts of extreme violence.   

Biographical Overview

Grevex was born on Denobula into a large family that had extensive ties to the scientific community on Denobula. During his childhood his parents used their connections to provide numerous enrichment opportunities for Grevex and he excelled in his learning in science  and mathematics. He ended up getting his degree in applied physics and in 2289 he began working for a government think tank. During his time on Denobula he became married repeatedly (as per Denobulan custom) and began raising children. In 2356 he was selected to speak at a physics conference on Earth however a transporter malfunction on the USS Lovelace resulted in Grevex becoming "split" based on personality traits. One subject was entirely focused on introversion and intellectual pursuits (Gerevex A) while the other subject became incredibly extroverted and focused on thrills and excitement rather than scientific pursuits (Grevex B). Various attempts to restore Grevex' original self failed. In 2357 the outgoing Grevex B personality was sentenced to 5 years prison for attempting to murder the Grevex A personality. Despite attempts at psychiatric rehabilitation there was no cure for Doppleganger Psychosis and it was decided that Grevex A would remain on Denobula with Grevex' family and current position and Grevex B would be sent off planet.    Grevex B disappears from Federation records during this time until 2364 where he was caught by Denobula customs trying to return to his home. As per the standing agreement he was turned away and disappears from Federation space.   In 2372 he returned to Federation space and applied for various scientific positions and grants. Given the quality of work being produced by Grevex A during this time period he was accepted before anyone in Starfleet realized that this Grevex was not exactly the same Grevex publishing academic research. It was decided that Grevex B be allowed to continue his research and in 2373 he was assigned to the USS Nightingale.
Jorcala Scientific Academy
2287, 80th percentile Martial Status
Single or Married
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2373-present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
May 7th, 2253
Year of Birth
2253 128 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations