Ens. Charles Peckham

Charles Peckham currently serves as a transporter officer on the USS Orpheus. (Alpha Shift)  

Psychological Profile

Peckham seems to operate under severe fits of paranoia and scizo@x0Q8rAvJKntpwK7! Okay cool. Listen up. I don't know who you are but I doubt any one of "them" will ever read this so this is like, the only way to get through to you. I'm fine, don't listen to these quacks. They don't know what they're talkinga bout and So, like, here I am, Charlie, your friendly neighborhood...uh...friend. We're cool, right? But get this, they've got this whole psyche profile thing, and apparently, it's saying I'm, like, a bit off my rocker. Can you believe it? Me, crazy? Come on!   Now, I'm not one to just sit back and let the system label me, so I put my unparalleled computer skills to use, man. Hacked my way into the system like a digital ninja, you know? And I'm thinking, "I gotta set the record straight, show 'em the real Charlie, not the one the deep state wants you to see."  

Biographical Overview

So, in this grand manifesto of mine, I'm gonna be like, "Hey, space bureaucrats, I'm not the crazy one here. The real craziness is the deep state pulling strings and trying to paint me as the loony guy. They're the ones with the tinfoil hats, not me!"   But let's not forget to jazz it up with some of my stellar achievements, right? I once fixed the replicator when no one else could, saved the captain's cat from a freaky space anomaly (seriously, that thing was bizarre), and I even made friends with an alien who totally vibed with my rat obsession. I'm like the unsung hero of the USS Orpheus, man.  

2379 Update - Admiral Shepherd

So yeah. That's me, like in a nutshell. Not nuts. I'm not nuts. Don't ever say that I'm crazy, okay? Anwyay just got to re-insert the hashkey and remeber, this is our little secret? Right? Okay here weK=66=gqyprq+C serving on the USS Orpheus as transport officer yet again.
Starfleet Academy
2366, 60th percentile Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2379-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Stellarite (2378-2379)
USS Orpheus (2375-2378)
Starbase 121 (2375-2375)
USS Orpheus (2373-2375)
Starbase 121 (2370-2373)
Starfleet Command - Psychological Testing (2366-2370)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
March 4th, 2344
Year of Birth
2344 37 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations