Ens. Cimut Mirkus

Cimut Mirkus serves a warp core technician on the USS Orpheus. (Gamma Shift)  

Psychological Profile

Like many Bajorans of the time, the scars of the Cardassian Union occupation of Bajor have left deep marks on Cimut's psyche. He is brilliant and talented and shows desire to live fully into the ideals of Starfleet but the anger has has over Cardassians holds him back from excellence. Due to his past behavior, his time in Starfleet could be cut short at any moment and it is only through brilliant legal counsel that he survived his first court martial. Ordianrily he is calm and sociable albeit his pride in Bajoran culture can be a little heavy handed at times. When Cardassians are mentioned, however, his temper can flare and the PTSD of his time in their concentration camps can completely shut down his higher executive functions turning him into a vessel of anger and revenge. As part of his plea deal that let him stay in Starfleet he practices heavy amountns of meditation to try and tame his anger however until it is fully tested it is recommended that he stay as a junior officer and be assigned to positions that will minimize the chances of Cardassian encounters.    

Biographical Overview

Cimut was born in 2346 in a rural Bajoran village. Up until 2351 it mostly escaped the attention of the Cardassian invaders but it was decided to build an internment camp on their land and after being tasked with building the facilities his village was rounded up and became the first members of the camp due to suspected "terrorist involvement." Cimut spent a decade in the camp losing most of his family in the process. In 2360 when the camp was liberated he was being raised by his uncle who helped smuggle Cimut offplanet and he was able to become a refugee in the Federation. In 2364 he was accepted into Starfleet Academy and focused on engineering. During his time in the internment camp he had been an assistant to the local Bajoran technicians who had become experts at jury rigging technology to keep it running with whatever they had on hand. Bringing this knowledge to the Academy, Cimut developed a reputation for being able to solve engineering problems with half the materiasl the textbook say would be required. He graduated in 2367 after only three years having taken an extended courseload and was assigned to the USS Amazonia. While conducting scientific missions the Amazonia encountered a stranded Cardassian survey ship and when the captain decided to help the Cardassians, Ccimut protested violently and even attempted to seize weapon controls to blow up the ship. Cimut was confined to the brig and ultimately put on probation for his activity and re-assigned to the USS Argonaut which patrolled far from Cardassian space. He served on the Argonaut without incident until 2373 when the Dominion War broke out. Due to staffing shortages and his familiarity with Bajoran space, he was re-assignged to the USS Orpheus as it conducted reconaissance efforts along the Cardassian border. Even after the Dominion War ended has electe to remain onboard the Orpheus and has continued to serve it as it transitioned from scouting to exploration.
Starfleet Academy Class
2367, 86th percentile
Martial Status Single
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2373-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Argonaut [NCC-11681] (2367-2373)
USS Amazonia [NCC-70232] (2367-2367)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
Janaury 28th, 2346
Year of Birth
2346 35 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations