Ens. Diana Costallan (Dee-anne-ah Cost-ah-lan)

Diana Costallan is an Operations shift lead on board the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

Costallan is driven by her survivor's guilt and her hatred towards the Crystalline Entity. This has sometimes come at odds with Starfleet's goals of peace and understanding however time has tempered her stance considerably, especially having gotten to review the Enterprise-D's logs on their encounters with Crystalline Entities. Beyond this focus of hers, she is noted as being overall cheerful and has shown considerable creativity in her ability to manage power systems that has led to some experimental and, so far, successful solutions to power management problems. That being said, while she is proving to be an excellent officer, her hands-on work needs considerable improvement. While there is no doubt she understands the ship's systems, her medical record shows a clumsiness and carelessness that has caused her to accumulate numerous preventable injuries such as forgetting to depower a system first before accessing its power supply. If she can learn to be a little bit more patient and put a premium on safety she should grow into an excellent Operations officer.

Biographical Overview

Costallan was born to vineyard workers in northern California. She had a traditional Federation upbringing without anything of real note occurring until 2368 when her family decided to move off planet. They booked transport on the freighter Kallisko and headed out for the Brechtian Cluster when it was intercepted by a Crystalline Entity. Costallan had been unable to board the Kallisko due to an illness and avoided the same tragic fate that befell the rest of her family. She became obsessed with the Crystalline Entity and joined starfleet in hopes of joining a ship like the USS Enterprise-D that had developed the capabilities to destroy the Crystalline Entities that roamed the galaxy and purged all life from the worlds they encountered.     Although Costallan didn't have a definite track of work in mind, she ended up in the Operations track with a focus on power management and regulations. She excelled in her work demonstrating considerable drive and focus compared to her peers and she graduated with honors. She requested assignment on a Science & Research ship and was assigned to the USS Nightingale in 2375.   ADDENDUM: Captain Blake has put in a note saying that Costallan is well on her way towards earning a promotion to Lieutenant and should be considered for it before the end of the year.
Starfleet Academy
2375, 90th Percentile Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2375-present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
January 3rd, 2351
Year of Birth
2351 30 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations