Ens. Gabriel Nash

Gabriel Nash serves as an EPS specialist on the USS Orpheus.  

Psychological Profile

Nash is a very laid back easy-going person which was really beneficial to him when he became a temporary deity. Despite briefly having unlimited power he chose to do very simple things with it and was able to be talked back down to mortal status. In addition his relaxe attitude prevented his cosmic awareness from triggering an existential crisis. Overall he is a steady and reliable officer who is highly skilled and maintains a good relationship with his colleagues. The two concerns are that he doesn't really demonstrate leadership material and has a hard time giving orders and being firm with subordinates. The other is that supervisors should keep a careful observation to make sure that his cosmic powers do not resurface.    

Biographical Overview

Nash was born on the idyllic colony of Haven. Although not very well developed, the planet had a reputation for having healing properties resulting in a steady influx of travelers, especially those of the sick and dying. Nash learned at a young age to be kind and respectful to these strangers as they had traveled far to get to Haven and when the planet didn't magically heal their illnesses then it was up to the people of Haven to care for them until they could leave the planet again.   Nash's parents were engineers maintaining the colony's power supply and they often took Nash along with them and at a young age Nash would help with their maintenance. By the time he was ready to apply to Starfleet he already had his EPS certifications and he was able to test out of most of the engineering prerequisites graduating in only 2 years. Upon his graduation in 2373 he was first assigned to the USS Yazoo to run tests on a next-generation biogel electrical system. This testing continued through 2376 until the project was completed and the Yazoo was brought back for extensive retrofits to remove the experimental technology. Due to his outstanding performance he received a highly coveted assignment on the USS Europa, a Luna-class vessel embarking on a deep space exploration mission. Three months into the expedition the ship encountered a pre-warp civilization that worshipped a giant golden idol emitting strange power signatures. Nash was part of the away team and during the course of the mission he came into contact with the idol. It fused with him covering him with golden metal and unlocking powerful psychic abilities allowing him to pierce time and space. With his god-like abilities he threatened to re-write all of existence to make the galaxy a better place but the captain of the Europa was able to convince him to use his powers to remove his powers. Nash agreed and he returned as a mortal however his last thought as a god was to see his home again and he was teleported back to Haven. As the Europa was deep into its assignment and wasn't scheduled to return to Federation space for several years, Nash was re-assigned to the USS Orpheus on its expedition instead.
Starfleet Academy
2373, 79th percentile Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2376-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Europa [NCC-81676] (2376-2376)
USS Yazoo [NCC-76649] (2373-2376)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
May 13th, 2353
Year of Birth
2353 28 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations