Ens. Ithenaan "DC" Th'zhyrher

Ithenaan "DC" Th'zhyrher serves as a computer specialist on the USS Orpheus. (Alpha Shift)  

Psychological Profile

Typically Andorian nicknames are based upon their name as a way to help other species refernece them. For DC however, it's a shortening of his first nickname: Double Checker. Even during his childhood he had a habit of both double checking his work and his peer's work. By 12 years old he had a reputation for "correcting" other student's work and during the Academy this was only heightened as during team assignments he insisted all material go throug him. The other cadets pushed back hard on this and he is in the process of learning to balance this instinct to always be thoroguh and correct with establishing positive relationships with his peers. His work is impecible so his development plan focuses heavily around learning to interact with his colleagues in a positive and constructive manner.  

Biographical Overview

Growing up around the massive shipyards of Salazaar, DC showed an early aptitude towards programming and computer operations however he struggled in his primary education due to difficulties with interacting with his peers. His time as a child were full of security notices indicating fights with other children. Things improved as he grew older and his parents put him through several rounds of therapy and conditioning to help him fit into Federation society. He completed his primary education in 2372 and based upon his test scores he was quickly accepted into Starfleet Academy as an Operations cadet. While he continued to excel in his computer skills, he struggled during basic command and security coursework. In 2373 he faced possible expulsion over his poor grades and difficulties in interacting with his fellow cadets but a supervisory panel allowed him to repeat the year and with some additional therapy sessions he was able to graduate in 2376. For his first year he was assigned to Starfleet Operations to assist with the rollout of a new primary computer intelligence. Upon successful completion of this assignment he was granted clearance for deep space exploration and he was assigned to the USS Orpheus as a computer specialist.
Starfleet Academy
2376, 58th percentile
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2377-Present)
Previous Assignments
Starfleet Operations (2376-2376)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
February 19th, 2353
Year of Birth
2353 28 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations