Ens. Leendert Septer (Len-dirt Sep-ter)

Leendert Septer serves as a security officer on the USS Orpheus. (Beta Team).  

Pscyhological Profile

Septer passes every psychological test perfectly. Every inquiry produces perfectly standard responses that avoid any indicators for any kind of mental illness or deficiency. Given his intelligent and background it is clear he is signalling that he has studied Starfleet psyche evaluation techniques and is feeding us the "correct" answers. Despite his best efforts this in and of itself is still revealing as he could have better hid this knowledge. Instead he is showing off his superiority. While it is difficult to make a deeper assessments, it is clear he takes pride in his abilities and can become agitated if his intelligence or competency are called into question.  

Biographical Overview

Septer was born in 2347 as the youngest of three children to a family that did administration work for one of the many spaceports on Earth. It was important work but not one that lended itself to power and influence and based upon logs from his academic years, this lack of power and influence rankled him greatly. He pushed himself to succeed in academics becoming a top student and taking multiple advanced placement classes. Upon completing his primary education in 2365, however, he did not apply for Starfleet and instead disappeared off the grid. There are no records of him from 2365 to 2371. In 2371 he applied to Starfleet Academy and, based upon his entrance exams and his previous academics, he was allowed entry. When asked about where he had been or why he had chosen to apply for Starfleet now, his responses were vague and evasive. He graduated in only three years and in 2374 was stationed on the USS Helio doing scout work along the Cardassian border. His work recevied high reviews on both speed and efficiency however the captain of the Helio seemed eager to get Septer transferred, putting in a request every single year until finally in 2377 the transfer was accepted and Septer was assigned to USS Orpheus as the team lead for Security Team Beta.   ADDENDUM: While there are no official reports, Starfleet Intelligence has circumstantial evidence that during the missing six year gap in Septer's past, he became part of a criminal network, rose to a prominent position and then orchestrated the deaths of the leader and the other top lieutenants, effectively decapitating the 36 Voids Cartel. Rumors say that Septer made a play to be head of the network but ended up not having the support needed so after creating the vacuum of power he fled back to the Federation to hide as an ensign in Starfleet while he plots his next move. This is the current conclusion however it is based heavily on rumors and anonymous sources and is not deemed actionable at this time.
Starfleet Academy Class
2374, 52th percentile
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2377-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Helio [NCC-75908] (2374-2377)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
October 26th, 2347
Year of Birth
2347 34 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations