Ens. Okanaahl 'Kanah' Ch'vhanehr (Can-ah)

Okanaahl "Kanah" Ch'vhanehr serves as an EPS specialist on the USS Orpheus. (Gamma Shift)  

Psychological Profile

Kanah started out his path in life as a very isolated academic but his time at Starfleet Academy has allowed him the opportunity to really develop and expand his social skills. The Squad was a very influential group during his years at the Academy and having a large close-knit friend group that he still maintains contact with gives him a powerful social network to both help manage the stress of his position and develop his skills to further his career. He prides himself on being well-informed and if given a topic he does not know about his first instinct is to review literature. He does not suffer from decision paralysis and can be rather enterprising and even feisty when he believes he is on the right track. He has only been in Starfleet for five years but he is likely primed for promotion.  

Biographical Overview

Kanah was born on Andorai in 2354. His parents wanted him to focus on science and technology but he seemed to avoid research and instead seemed to enjoy more practical applications. He excelled in school and was readily accepted into Starfleet Academy in 2372. At home his family unit had strictly structured his time to maximize academic performance but without their guidance he seemed to struggle throughout his time at the academy to do basic things like wake up in time for class or remember to complete his assignments. At the academy he developed a large friendship network called "The Squad" that ended up winning several extracuricular competitions.   During his senior year at the academy in 2376 him and several other membres of The Squad witnessed a Romulan agent breaking into a power supply shed. While some of the other members surrounded the building Kanah ran to get help. By the time security had arrived, however, the agent was gone. The cadets were thanked for their diligence but everyone was disappointed the spy got away nor was the agent's target ever discerned.   In 2376 upon graduating he was assigned to the USS Orpheus as part of its mission to explore the Hellsmouth Nebula.
Starfleet Academy
2376, 52nd percentile Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2376-Present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
January 4th, 2354
Year of Birth
2354 27 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations