Ens. Paola Potts (Pah-oh-lah Pots)

Paola Potts serves as a security officer and team lead on the USS Orpheus. (Epsilon Team).  

Psychological Profile

Potts does not talk about her childhood at all which makes it difficult to unpack the probable trauma she faced as a child. Her parents were imprisoned, she was neglected, and her focus and dedication to martial arts is clearly a coping mechanism designed to find ways to avoid processing what happened to her. A focus on martial prowess is very common for the victims of abuse to both give them a sense of empowerment and control in their lives. In general she maintains control but her time at Starfleet Academy was marked by numerous sparring injuries and what really held her back was several disciplinary actions early on. She is quite small compared to the average human and she really dislikes being underestimated or being patronized. She carries a lot of anger around with her and that often comes out upon anyone unlucky enough to become the target of her wrath. Despite her propensity for anger her focus on martial arts generally gives her considerable control and discipline and assuming she can learn to process her grief she will likely develop into a superior security officer.    

Biographical Overview

While Potts was born on Earth she saw little of it. Shortly after being born her parents decided to become merchants operating on the fringes of civlized space. She ended up growing up mainly around Ferengi Alliance and Cardassian Union space as that is where her parents did most of their business. Records from this time period are scarce but when Federation social workers took custody after her parents were discovered smuggling weapons and contraband, there were numerous signs of both neglect and abuse. Potts was remanded to the custody of Federation social services where she threw herself into her academics. In 2366 when she was recovered her education was severely stunted but by 2370 she had closed the gap and continued to excel eventually graudating among the top quartile of her peers.
In addition to her academics she became focused on learning as many martial arts styles as she could and she ended up ranking in Judo, Juijitsu, Vulcan-based Suus Mahna, and Cardassian-based Gol'kat Flow. In 2372 she entered into a Cardassian Gol'kat tournament and ended up placing second out of over a hundred combatants earning her the title of Gol'kat Master at only 16 years old.   In 2374 she applied for and was accepted into Starfleet Academy choosing to go the security route. She was a 3-time Academy champion during her four years and in 2378 she graduated and was assigned to the USS Orpheus to lead a security team.
Starfleet Academy Class
2378, 66th percentile
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2378-Present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
February 17th, 2356
Year of Birth
2356 25 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations