Ens. Sara Butler

Sara Butler serves as a science officer on the USS Orpheus specializing in warp theory.  

Psychological Profile

Butler is kind, intelligent, and dedicated to her work but there are concerns about how dedicated she is to Starfleet. She seems very much torn between two worlds: her passion for science and exploration is at odds with her dedication to handling her family's assets and affairs. This conflict became apparent when she ended up withdrawing her application to Starfleet Academy so she could focus on her family. A decade later she has decided to try out Starfleet and while she is talented she also frequently requests leave to go back to Earth to handle family matters that come up while on deployment. Butler has everything she needs to become an excellent science officer and to quickly rise through the ranks but until she shows she is committed to Starfleet and won't abandon her career every time there is a hiccup with her family's businessess it is our recommendation she remain as a junior officer.  

Biographical Overview

Butler comes from a family of powerful and influential family in the Federation. Her ancestry can be traced back to powerful figures from pre-WWIII and despite the massive disruption that WWIII caused on Earth, her family remained powerful leaders as Earth was rebuilt and the Federation was formed. Due to her family's influence she had every advantage power and influence could provide, including private tutors, personalized field trips and access to advanced training curiculums. She excelled in her academics with advanced aptitude in both mathmatics and physics. In 2361 she applied for Starfleet Academy but a week later her application was withdrawn by her parents. Instead she was groomed to be heir to her family legacy and married to Reginold Butler, another scion of a distinguished family name. In 2364 they were married and in 2366 their son was born. In 2370 a scandal rocked both their families as it was discovered that her older brother was selling Federation secrets to the Cardassian Union. She was forced to take control of her familiy's businesses and in 2371 her control allowed her to undo most of the damage her brother had caused, including foiling an attempt to sabotage Starfleet dilithium matrices. In 2371 she turned over control of her family's assets to her husuband and applied for Starfleet Academy a second time. She was accepted and graduated in 2373 just as the Domion War was erupting. Her first assignment was on the USS Annan, an Ambassador-class ship that attempted to open up diplomatic relations with Gamma-quadrant species. In 2374 the Annan was ambushed by Jem'Hadar forces and crippled. She was briefly assigned to Starbase 599 to recover before being assinged to the USS Serov where she was part of a team testing out new warp drive configurations.   In 2378 with her project concluded she was assigned to the USS Orpheus.
Starfleet Academy Class
2373, 67th percentile
Martial Status
Married (Reginold Butler, 1 child)
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2378-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Serov [NCC-1948] (2374-2378)
Starbase 599 (2374-2374)
USS Annan [NCC-68051] (2373-2374)