Ens. Thomas Jackson

Thomas Jackson is a helmsmen/navigator on the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

Jackson has a reserved and introverted personality and it is easy for him to seemingly fade into the background. This could explain why time and time again he is passed over for promotion. Despite his excellent performance the fact he is still an Ensign is starting to develop feelings of resentment and frustration within Jackson and it is likely that if he does not receive a promotion soon he will resign from Starfleet.  

Biographical Overview

Jackson was born in the Phillipine region on Earth to a small environment redevelopment outpost. Given the mission to help manage and restore ecological damage done during mankind's earlier years, they lived an isolated existence surrounded by wilderness and living mostly off the grid. From a young age Jackson excelled in academics and seemed driven to move away from rural Earth and join Starfleet. Given his excellent academic career he was accepted into Starfleet Academy under the Command program where he trained as a helmsman. Jackson seems to have struggled in the Academy, seemingly from taking on too heavy of a courseload. While he did graduate with a secondary degree in Astrochemistry due to a couple of botched exams he barely graduated in the 50th percentile of his class.   After the Academy he was assigned to the USS Centauros where he discovered a Changling saboteur had rigged the warp core to explode during a fleet training exercise. Jackson was initially earmarked for swift promotion however when the time came Captain Grant recommended him for transfer instead of promotion. This pattern has repeated for his tenure across the next three starships: he would display exemplary skill and conduct and yet was always put in for a transfer instead of a promotion. In 2378 he was transferred to the USS Nightingale on recommendations by Captain il'Zhyia who emphasized that he should be sent on deep space exploration assignments.  

Personal Note - Captain il'Zhyia

Listen, I've encoded this so it doesn't get detected by the Starfleet shrinks but should unlock for the Captain of the next crew. Here's the thing about Jackson. He is an excellent pilot and is truly devoted to Starfleet and the Federation but...he is such a klutz. Since the moment he stepped on the ship he has been spilling drinks on consoles, bumping into people, shorting out panels. It's always an accident and it isn't like he is breaking any protocols but just things go wrong when he is around. The previous Captain warned me that he is a walking curse and I'm sorry to say that despite being a great officer, the constant misfortune started to really weigh on the rest of the crew of my ship and so I transferred him along. I hope he can finally find a place where he doesn't cause so many problems but if he doesn't fit in, do me a favor and warn the next person.
Starfleet Academy
2375, 50th percentile
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2378-present)
Previous Assignments
USS Argyle (2377-2378)
USS Meridian (2376-2377)
USS Seraph (2376-2376)
USS Centauros (2375-2376)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
January 23rd, 2353
Year of Birth
2353 28 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations