Gulle Anon

Gulle Anon was a Bajoran miner.
Gulle is a native to the Scarmoche region, an area of Bajor known for its violent resistance to Cardassian occupation and their militant rejection of the peace accords surrounding Cardassia's withdrawl. According to many among the Scarmoche, this is only the beginning of the Bajoran-Cardassian war and Cardassia doesn't get to just walk away after what they did.   Gulle was a known collaborator and agitator with terrorist cells in the Scarmoche region and has an extensive criminal record. In 2367 he was arrested by Cardassians for formenting rebellion but was released in 2369 when Cardassia left Bajor. In 2370 Bajoran authorities arrested him for inciting riots and destruction of property during a protest against peace with Cardassia. He was arrested and charged with suspicions of shipjacking in 2373 however his trial was interrupted by the Dominion War and the charges were eventually dropped. In 2375 he was arrested for agitation and inciting riot once again protesting peace with Cardassia but again the charges ended up being dropped.   In 2376 he was present on Deep Space 9 when Jaro Essa was murdered. Gulle had an incident earlier in the day when he saw Jaro walking through the promenade and loudly exclaimed that the "traitor" should have been killed. This caused him to briefly be a suspect in the investigation however he was quickly cleared due to lack of evidence and real motivation.   Gulle has since returned to Scarmoche where he is once again agitating the region to rise up and extract reparations from Cardassia while they are still weakened from the Dominion War.
Current Status
Year of Birth
2346 35 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations