Lt. Cmdr. Ingibjörg Atladóttir

Lt. Cmdr. Ingibjörg Atladóttir serves as the head of Astrometrics on board the USS Orpheus.  

Psychological Profile

Lt. Cmdr. Atladóttir has a split mindset that causes her considerable tension. She is passionate about her research and job as a science officer to Starfleet but is also feelinlg pressure to settle down and raise a family with her husband. She is fiercely devoted to her spouse and her parents back on Mars and frequently talks about "just one more voyage" before settling down. In times of leisure she is relaxed and affable however with her work she is incredibly driven and a perfectionist and pushes her department to be the best that it can be. While she understands that people make mistakes, she has a very dim view of people who make the same mistakes repeatedly and under he tenure several junior officers have been rotated out of Astrometrics for failing to live up to her high expectations.  

Biographical Overview

Atladóttir was born into an enclave of settlers that originally hailed from Iceland and remained quite insular and focused on their Icelandic culture. Growing up on Mars she took an early interest in the sky and her education has steered heavily towards studying the cosmos. Her study of interstellar objects as a teenager led her to win several junior science awards and in 2360 she discovered a rogue planetoid and named it after her family's namesake. She was accepted into Starfleet Academy in 2364 and graduated in the top of her class in Science. Her first rotation was as an exchange to a Vulcan science vessel where she served as an ensign until transferring to the USS Agamemnon where she served as a general science officer conducting stellar surveys along the Federation border. In 2373 with the outbreak of the Dominion war she was transferred to the USS Orpheus as part of an elite task force to attempt to map out the Dominion's borders within the Gamma Quadrant. Due to her skill and expertise she rose through the ranks quickly and in 2375 she served as the Chief Science Officer on the Orpheus. WHen the Dominion War concluded she stepped down from her role and instead transitioned to become the head of the Astrometrics division.
Starfleet Academy Class
2368, 95th percentile
Martial Status
Married (Toddi Atladóttir)
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2374-present)
Previous Assignments
USS Agamemnon (2370-2374)
USS Korath (2368-2370)
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
October 27th, 2346
Year of Birth
2343 38 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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