Lt. Arud Baalbrix (Ah-rud Bal-bricks)

Lt. Arud Baalbrix serves as the ship's counselor onboard the USS Orpheus.  

Psychological Profile

Lt. Baalbrix presents a facade of affability, but beneath this thin veneer lies a serpent in Starfleet uniform. His calm demeanor and alleged dedication to the mental well-being of his colleagues are nothing more than a smokescreen for his devious nature. Baalbrix, a so-called expert in psychology, employs his knowledge not to heal but to manipulate and deceive, and takes particular delight in targeting happily married women to then manipulate them into having extramarital affairs.   Oh sure, he is recognized for his work in the field but it is all just lies. He uses his counseling sesssions to exploit vulnerability and then under the guise of "healing exercises" he crosses the boundaries of ethics and propriety that resuluts in a trail of broken relationships and bitter resentment.   THIS FESTERING WOUND REQUIRES IMMEDIATE EXCISION FROM STARFLEET AND IT IS BECAUSE OF THIS NO-GOOD BOTTOM-DWELLING <The rest of this report has been flagged for violating professional language guidelines as per Starfleet Protocols 432-C Subsection 3>   **NOTE: The analyst who compiled this report has since been dismissed from Starfleet for unprofessional conduct.  

Biographical Overview

Baalbrix was born on Betazed to a family of prominent surgeons and while he pursued a path in medicine, Baalbrix was more inclined to psychology instead of surgery. He graduated from Starfleet Academy in 2365 and worked as a student psychologist and while the students he mentored showed dramatic upticks in all psyche metrics: motivation, morale, academic performance etc. a series of inquiries into inappropriate relationships with students resulted in him being transferred to the nearby Starfleet Medical to perform clinical work. There once again he showed a tremendous aptitude in improving the mental health of his patients, several more inquiries around physical relationships with both patients and fellow staff members had the administration concerend. He was transferred to the USS Al Fayyum, a hospital ship to do therapy for war veterans and survivors and once again demonstrated extreme competence in all things except for appropriate boundaries with his patients. In 2375 he transferred back to Betazed where he conducted a 30-month research rotation culminating in being awarded a Watson Award for Excellence In Psychology due to his findings: "The Power Of Love: The Relationship Between Physical Intimacy And Mental Stability". On conclusion of his research in 2378 he was assigned to the USS Orpheus to provide psychological services for the Orpheus while it conducted deep-space exploration.

NOTE: There have been 37 inquiries into inappropriate relationships however Baalbrix has passed each inquiry with flying colors. Despite the perceived inappropriateness of these relationships, Starfleet could find no specific fault or crime being committed. Captain's are warned, however, to be careful around him and keep him on a short leash when it comes to female members of the crew.
Starfleet Academy Class
2335, 71st percentile
Martial Status
Divorced (2 children)
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2374-present)
Previous Assignments
Starfleet Medical Research Institute - Betazed (2375-2378)
USS Al Fayyum (2372-2375)
Starfleet Medical - San Francisco (2369-2372)
Starfleet Academy Student Psychologist (2365-2369)
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
January 31st, 2343
Year of Birth
2343 38 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations