Lt. Cmdr. Taliksa

Taliksa serves as a doctor and medical officer on the USS Orpheus.  

Psychological Profile

Taliksa has devoted her life to saving those around her and while nearly 25 years in Starfleet has resulted in her saving thousands personally and millions more indirectly through her research, she still witnessed the deaths of hundreds of patients in her care, nearly half of which occured in one single battle in the Domion War. By this point in her career Talkisa can act as a medical officer by impulse but her skills with the hyperdermal do not help her patients against the wicked barbs of her tongue. She is condescending, sarcastic, and has a truly caustic bedside manner. Her patients often leave sickbay early just to get away from her criticisms. Still beneath the barbs and jabs is a skilled officer who will do everything possible to save her patients and has risked her life many times already for Starfleet and will likely continue to serve for many years to come.    

Biographical Overview

Taliksa grew up in a rural village on Arbaza. Her mother was supposed to be the town's primary physician but in practice spent most of her time looking after farm animals than people. Taliksa hated growing up in a remote town and in 2346 she applied for a medical internship at the capital city of Arbaza and was accepted. When she graduated in 2348 she applied for Starfleet Academy and graudated as a medical officer in 2352 being assigned to Starbase 270 which was serving as a major medical hub for the quadrant. After spending five years at the Starbase she opted to transfer onto the USS Kraken in 2356 where she rose through the ranks and by 2360 she was the shift leader on the Kraken. During this time the ship discovered an alien plant that produced a revolutionary new antibiotic and in 2362 when the ship returned to dock she elected to transfer to Starfleet Research to continue her expriments. In 2369 her findings were published and the drug she synthesized began widespread adoption by Starfleet and beyond. In 2370 she applied for transfer again, this time serving as the Chief Medical Officer on the USS McBane, a recently launched Akira-class battlecruiser. The McBane saw heavy combat when the Dominion War broke out and after one particularly close battle she had to manage a ward of over a hundred patients all demanding immediate care. Although she was commended for her performance nearly 20% of the patients died before treatment. She requested transfer to Starbase 680 to continue treating the survivors. In 2374 she was appointed Chief Medical Officer on Starbase 682 but after several years she stepped down from the post and opted for being just a shift doctor again. In 2376 she was assigned as the gamma shift medical officer on the USS Orpheus.
Starfleet Academy
2352, 58th percentile Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2376-Present)
Previous Assignments
Starbase 682 (2374-2376)
Starbase 680 (2373-2374)
USS McBane [NCC-77140] (2370-2373)
Starfleet Research (2362-2370)
USS Kraken Mare [NCC-11269] (2356-2362)
Starbase 270 (2352-2356)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
September 5th, 2330
Year of Birth
2330 51 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations