Lt. Cmdr. Zolrax

Well this is an mix-up isn't it. I don't think it's good protocol to have someone be assigned writing their own review. What if I were to report in here that I'm nothing but aces? What if I just scribble down that I'm the epitome of excellence? But hey, I'm not one to make a fuss. I'll jot something down and maybe get someone else to check if I'm being honest with myself... which is a tricky thing, isn't it?  

Psychological Profile

  So, uh, yeah, Zolarx here, reporting on my own noggin. I think I do a good job. I'm not the greatest with people which is why I went away from clinical psychology to studying aliens. I like studying aliens, figuring out what makes them tick and what not. I guess its easier for me to deal with aliens because nobody knows how we're supposed to interact with them. Can't rightly say I'm being awakward with the Malignant Grem Beast of Centari XII now can you? I guess the only thing to talk about here is that I believe in a Quantum Consciousness, like we're all just aspects of the same deeper consciousness. Wouldn't that be cool? That we're actually all connected and never alone? Yeah, I think that would be quite nice. Uh...what else. Hmmm...I'm married? Bet you didn't guess that. My love wife, Darena and we've got three kids. I'll make sure to attach pics of the little ankle biters. I don't think it's normal but it's not normal to be doing your own psych profile so here we are, you and I. <Link to 23 attached holoimages>  

Biographical Overview

Born on the buzzing Denobulan mining colony of Terrex Prime, my childhood was, well, it was there. Not the most exciting place. Mostly a lot of rocks, what with it being a mining colony. But it did get me curious about the universe beyond. So, I signed up for Starfleet Academy in 2360. Six years later, I graduated decently well. I mean there's a lot of smart people at Starfleet. Just getting in the top half is a big achievement, if I say so myself. So after graduating with a nice, respectable grade it was off to Luna for a bit of Clinical Psychology.   So Luna was...tough. I mean it was tough on the people there. No atmosphere, lots of grey corridors and outside is just more grey. Sometimes you get to see the Earth go by which is nice but it also kind of reminds you of all the water and grass and trees that you don't get. Let me tell you the Holodecks on Luna are booked 24/7. Tough to get in a game of...well...anything. I was supposed to help but it seems I had a tendency to maybe say the wrong things to people. Point out that maybe yeah, their life was pretty rough. Then they'd look to me for help and I would just shrug. They didn't like that. Neither did Starfleet. Decided I would be better off in research. You know, "away from people" as they put it.   Shipped off to the USS Excalibur as the Ship's Psychologist from 2370 to 2373. That was a fun time. First of all the Exaclibur was a pretty cool ship. Did you know it flew alongside the Enterprise? I mean, not when I was on it, but I worked with some people who worked with some people who were on the Enterprise so that's...that's pretty cool. Oh the Captain almost got swindled by some Ferengi while I was there. Luckily I pointed out the triple negatives in their contracts or we would have lost the ship! That would have been quite embarassing, the whole crew having to hitch a ride back to Earth because the Captain didn't read the fine print. I thought it was quite funny afterwards but he made me promise not to tell anyone. Oh...oh no. Well, I'm sure I can delete this. Ah, here we go. Deleted. But I still see it. Mabye it's just on a delay? I'm sure that will clear out. But just in case it doesn't promise you don't read that. There.   After the Ferengi incident...the one that you didn't read about...I was transferred to the USS Fratenrity to continue doing my research on Quantum Consciousness. Basically I sat in a room and thought bizarre thoughts really really hard and then checked through all the personal logs to see if anyone thought of the same thing. Not the most scientific trial but I'll be honest I was kind of winging it at that point. I was assigned to do this research but it was really more of an idea rather than a hypothesis. Well when they found out what I was up to the Chief Science Officer was very mad. Oh man did he yell at me for an hour. I know i'm laughing about it but it was really serious and me laughing is really just a defense mechanism that I use to process the trauma he inflicted. After that I set up some proper experiments and my research went a lot better after that. I mean really, talking about it now makes me sound kind of silly. Sitting in a room, straining myself trying to think of bananas wearing tutus. Ridiculous.   Now, I'm on the USS Orpheus, doing more Xenopsychology Research. Reviews say I'm above average, which is nice. Captain doesn't seem to mind me. The Chief Science Officer Bell is kind hard to deal with. If I am being honest I am quite terrified of him. I don't mean to judge but how does someone with Klingon ancestry end up being head of a science department on a science ship. When I explained my idea of thinking really hard at people he looked like he was going to tear my arms off. Boy would that have been awakrd. A little hard to do research if I don't got any arms. I'd need someone to lend me a hand. Oh! A hand! Oh that's funny. That is too funny. I need to remember that. Maybe I'll talk to the others. Bit of an awkward set up though. Hmmm... well I'll workshop it a bit.
Anyway that's me in a nutshell. I hope this works out. Now...where is that save button. Ah, here it is.
Starfleet Academy
2366, 69th percentile Martial Status
Married (Darena, 3 children)
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2376-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Fraternity [NCC-74309] (2373-2376)
USS Excalibur [NCC-26517] (2370-2373
Starfleet Clinical Pscyhology - Luna Colony (2366-2370)
Starfleet Medical - San Francisco (2357-2361)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
November 26th, 2342
Year of Birth
2342 39 Years old
Terrax Prime
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations