Lt. Dinal Rianix

Dinal Rainix is a warp core specialist serving on the USS Orpheus. (Beta Shift)  

Psychological Profile

Rianix is a classic example of someone being promoted too quickly and struggling to adjust to their new level of responsbility. He demonstrated talent and had a good relationship with Lt. Cmdr. Taabaan but now he seems to be in over his head and is responding to this pressure in a very negative way. Reports from other officers describe him as unpleasant and territorial, resisting offers of help and lashing out if his work is corrected. He demonstrates both extreme overconfidence in his abilities as well as a lack of confidence in his position resulting in a toxic mixture of emotions and actions. If he cannot address the source of his anxiety and improve the relationship with his peers it is likely he will need to be removed from starship duty as the pressure is just too great and fostering a hostile work environment is detrimental towards deep space exploration.   NOTE: Shortly after arriving on the Orpheus, Ens. Bejta corrected some of Rianix's work on the warp core. Rianix has apparently taken great offense to this and has filed several retalitory complaints and is overall fostering a hostile atmosphere towards Bejta.  

Biographical Overview

Rianix was born on Trill in 2353 and like many of his peers he sought to become joined with a Trill symbiont but unfortunately he washed out of the selection process after only a year. In 2372 he applied to Starfleet Academy and was accepted. In 2373 his training cohort was involved in a scandal resulting in the deaths of two of his fellow cadets. This event has been sealed by Starfleet Intelligence.  

Clearance Granted - Authorization Juno Kappa Two

In 2373 a Changling infiltrated Starfleet Academy as part of their general infiltration of the Alpha Quadrant. It inserted itself into Rianix's social circle, likely as a long term plan to infiltrate Starfleet by rising through the ranks as opposed to just directly replacing an important figure. Starfleet Intelligence discovered this intruder but kept her under discrete observation. When the Dominion War erupted the Changling attempted to plant explosives around Starfleet Academy and Rianix's cohort discovered this and attempted to stop her. The Changling was armed, however, and in the ensuing firefight one of the explosives prematurely detonated killing the Changling and two of Rianix's peers.   In 2376 Rianix graduated and was stationed on the USS Orpheus. He was promoted to Lieutenant JG in 2377 and to full Lieutenant in 2378.
Starfleet Academy Class
2376, 66th percentile
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2376-Present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
January 1st, 2353
Year of Birth
2353 28 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations