Lt. JG Eutímio Vieira (You-ti-me-oh Vee-aye-ah)

Eutímio Vieira serves as a warp core engineer on the USS Orpheus. (Beta Shift)  

Psychological Profile

Vieira puts a lot of pressure on himself. He has an incredible drive but this has come at the cost of creating friction with his fellow crew members. He has a particular habit of looking over other people's shoulders and critiquing their work when his advice was not requested. He is a skilled engineer, but so are his colleagues and he seems to forget that he isn't the only one with skill and experience in the room. He is highly responsive and it is quite easy to goad him. His rivals on the USS Bergan were able to easily manipulate him into violating Starfleet protocols to carry out petty acts of revenge which ultimately got him put on probationary discipline. He has the talent to eventually become the Chief Engineer on even the largest starships but if he cannot get his personal feelings under control and build better relationships with his peers, he will be forever regulated to menial duties far away from the rest of the crew.  

Biographical Overview

Vieira was born in a rural area of Earth and was the first of his family to attend Starfleet Academy. The entire town turned out to wish him well and he entered Starfleet Engineering in 2371. He accepted a very aggressive course schedule that put him on track to graduate in only two years. His advisors noted that he accepted this because he was that eager to start exploring the stars. He graduated in the top quartile of his class in 2373 and was originally assigned to deep space exploration but the outbreak of the Dominion War had him reassigned to the USS Bergen which operated as a emergency medical ship. Vieira spent the war helping manage the power levels of the Bergen as it raced behind enemy lines to perform medical evacs and then transpor the wounded to Starfleet medical facilities. Times were very stressful and the crew did not come together as well as Starfleet could hope and the crew ended up divided among two rival social groups. Even after the war ended the groups continued to undermine one another and this rivalry culminated with an engineering accident. It was determined that Vieira had rigged a console to malfunction as a relatively harmless sabotage however a mistake in his settings meant another crew member was severely injured in the blast. Vieira immediately admiitted to the crime and was court martialed. The result of the tribunal was that he would be put on 5 years probation (endding in 2383) and he would be transferred to another ship. This time he was assigned to deep space exploration on the USS Orpheus.
Starfleet Academy
2373, 75th percentile
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2378-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Bergen [NCC-79508] (2373-2378)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
July 26th, 2353
Year of Birth
2353 28 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations