Lt. JG Kaiden Poole (Kay-den Pool)

Kaiden Poole serves as an astrometrics officer on the USS Orpheus.  

Psychological Profile

It is undignified for a professional pscyhologist to just complain about an individual. It would not, for example, be professional conduct to describe Poole as an insessent prat who seems to only enjoy belittling and bullying those around him and going out of his way to humiliate his colleagues. To only describe him as insufferable, spoiled, entitled, and just plain mean would likewise not be how a professional analyst conducts their reviews. After speaking extensively to Poole I will not say that he is just completely awful.  

Biographical Overview

Poole was is the son of Admiral Poole and as is befitting the son fo a great man, Poole has had every opportunity available to him. He was placed in accelerated education programs as a child and was fast tracked into Starfleet Academy where his science proposals always seemed to find influential backers. He even was able to get a mentorship with Dr. Brahms unlocking avenues that other people could only dream about. After graduating in 2372 he was stationed on Starbase 346 where as just an ensign an entire team was assigned to assisting his work. A whole team! All for an ensign! That is a perfectly normal thing that could happen to anyone. But it specifically happens to the son of a highly influence Admiral. And then when that work didn't pan out he was given a plum position on one of the most exciting exploration opportunities this past decade. And he's not even 30 yet, can you believe it? Can you?  

2378 Update - Captain Eradas

I don't know exactly what transpired between the author of this report and Poole but so far Poole seems to be a highly competent science officer and despite the allegations within this file that he only got to where he is because of his father, the truth is that Poole is a higly skilled and motivated science officer. I am taking steps to insulate my command from Admiral Poole's influence and so far Poole himself has proven a valuable asset to the ship.
Starfleet Academy
2372, 77th percentile
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2378-Present)
Previous Assignments
Starbase 346 (2372-2376)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
May 7th, 2352
Year of Birth
2352 29 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations