Lt. JG Sasaru Kezin

Sasaru Kezin serves as a shuttle pilot for the USS Orpheus.  

Psychological Profile

Kezin is a top notch pilot but has little ambition outside of flying shuttles. She is not driven by the desire to maneuver large ships nor the adrenline rush that comes from combat or hazard duty. Instead she seems to enjoy the peace and solitude that comes from long haul shuttle operations. She describes it as an opportunity to sit back and take in the marvels of the universe and even after two decades she says she never gets tired of watching the stars go by. Personally she is rather isolated by choice and seems to have little ambition to settle down, start a family, or even have a robust social life. Instead, she seems perfectly content to continue watching the stars, marveling at the beauty of the galaxy and doing her duty towards contributing to Starfleet.  

Biographical Overview

Like many Trill, Kezin strove towards being joined to a symbiont however she washed out very early into the selection process. Undeterred, she applied to Starfleet and was accepted into th academy in 254 where she trained as a pilot. Her piloting scores were excellent and she was assigned to the USS Queensland as a helm operator however in 2361 she requested to be transferred to Starbase 164 where she could instead operate as a shuttle pilot. In 2363 she her request to be assigned to starship duty was approved and she was assigned to the USS Buran for routine patrols. In 2375 the Buran responded to a distress call assembling a fleet of ships to Wolf 359 where they engaged with a Borg cube. During the fight the Buran was destroyed and Kezin was severely injured but survived to make it to an escape pod. She was re-assigned to Starbase 16 at first to recover but she continued on as a shuttle pilot for the starbase until 2374. By this point the Dominion War was impacting fleet deployments across Starfleet and she was asked to join the crew of the USS Lapland as part of a reserve force to rapidly respond to Dominion threats. In 2378 the Lapland was scheduled for routine overhaul and she was re-assigned to the USS Orpheus.
Starfleet Academy Class
2358, 78th percentile
Martial Status Single
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2378-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Lapland [NCC-75064] (2374-2378)
Starbase 16 (2367-2374)
USS Buran [NCC-57580] (2363 - 2367)
Starbase 164 (2361-2363)
USS Queensland [NCC-19910] (2358-2361)
Current Status
Date of Birth
June 15th, 2335
Year of Birth
2335 46 Years old