Lt. JG T'Plero (Tah-plare-oh)

T'Plero serves as a bridge engineering officers on the USS Orpheus. (Beta Shift)  

Psychological Profile

It is unusual for Starfleet Command to override personal preference even during an emergency. It is even more unusual that during the Dominion War a candidate like T'Plero was assigned to a Starbase on the other side of Federation space. When inquirys were made about the assignment, however, both T'Plero and Starfleet Command stonewalled the statement saying that it was a classified project. Whatever happened there impacted T'Plero negatively. Granted this is measured from a Vulcan perspective but coming out of Starbase 51 she seemd tired, unmotivated, and even careless in her work. She refuses to talk about what happened but it seems clear that whatever it was disturbed her equilibrium. T'Plero has been spending most of her free time over the past year deep in various Vulcan meditation rituals to recenter her mind and we are also prescribing a track of non-Vulcan practices to help supplement these.    

Biographical Overview

T'plero was born on Weytahn, a planet with a deep history between Vulcans and Andorians. Prior to the creation of the Federation both species claimed the world and fought or nearly fought several wars over it. Eventually the Vulcans were convinced to peacefully transfer the planet over and when the Federation was founded the old hosilities eventually faded. In 2274 the Andorians officially welcomed Vulcans to resettle and helped restore several ancient enclaves that were damaged or destroyed in their conflicts. By the time T'Plero was born there in 2352 the planet's two species were working very well together. T'Plero found herself growing up in an environment that was a blend of Vulcan logic and Andorian passions. Despite excelling in her primary education she did not feel any compulsion to return to Vulcan and join the science institutions there instead choosing to embrace her multi-culturalism and joining starfleet instead. She graduated from Stafleet Academy in only two years, graduating in 2372. Although she indicated she was interested in ship assignments her skills were prioritized for Starbase 51 and Starfleet Command overrode her preferences to station her there. Although her work was comendable it was clear she was not very engaged with the work so when another opportunity to transfer to a ship came about she moved with alacrity to join the Orpheus on its research assignments.
Starfleet Academy
2372, 94th percentile Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2377-Present)
Previous Assignments
Starbase 51 (2372-2377)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
April 4th, 2352
Year of Birth
2346 35 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations