Lt. T'Shaise (Tah-shays)

T'Shaise serves as an engineering officer on the USS Orpheus. (Alpha Shift)  

Psychological Profile

T'Shaise is a brilliant engineer but struggles to get along with her co-workers. She can be cold and condescending even for a Vulcan and at times has been called cruel by her peers, choosing to only criticize and never acknowledge the successes of her peers. Spending years at Starbase 80 seems to have tempered this instinct and now she is in general more reserved about her comments. She is still cruel, but she speaks less frequently making it easier for her peers to interact with her.  

Biographical Overview

T'Shaise was born on Castor Fields in 2345 meaning most of her youth and upbringing was centered around breeding animals for racing. Castor Fields is the center for not just horse racing but all sorts of other animal racing and almost the entire planet economy revolves around racing events. Her parents were both race judges and event coordinators relied on the Vulcan propensity for being impartial judges to ensure the competitive nature of these events. Up until her final year of primary education it seemed like she would be heading towards the Vulcan Exploration Corps however in 2363 when she completed her primary education she applied for Starfleet Academy instead. While she excelled in individual coursework, her own social skills caused conflicts among her peers and in 2365 she transferred from Command school into Engineering. Upon graduation in 2367 she had issues getting placed due to her reputation of being difficult to work with and ended up being assigned to Starbase 80. She applied for transfer every six months and when the Dominion War erupted in 2373 she was finally re-assigned to Starbase 415 where she served for the rest of the war. In 2376 supported by several glowing performance reviews she was transferred to the USS Orpheus as part of a deep space exploration.
Starfleet Academy Class
2367, 73rd percentile
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2374-Present)
Previous Assignments
Starbase 415 (2373-2376)
Starbase 80 (2367-2373)
Current Status
Date of Birth
August 7th, 2345
Year of Birth
2345 36 Years old
Castor Fields