Lt. T'Sirrak

T'Sirrak is a security officer serving on the USS Orpheus.  

Psychological Profile

On paper T'Sirrak should be an excellent Starfleet offiicer. Strong academic history and a familiarity with starship operations along with natural Vulcan advantages to space exploration should lend itself well to her career, and yet T'Sirrak continues to struggle. Vulcans are known for being able to keep their emotions in check but T'Sirrak's emotional armor frequently gets pierced resulting in her becoming quite tempramental. What should be minor disagreements becomes full blown conflict that damages her relationship with her superiors and peers. Per consultation with the Vulcan Embassy she has been proscribed a strict regimine of meditation exercises which should aid in her controlling her feelings.

Biographical Overview

T'Sirrak was born on medical station "T'Vol Soaring" in orbit around Vulcan in 2351. Her family ran a trade organization and she spent most of her youth on board supply ships traveling around the Alpha Quadrant. Despite learning through remote clases she excelled in her studies and upon completing primary education she was accepted into the Vulcan Academy Of Sciences. She declined, however, as she saw the rising tension between the Cardassian Union and The Dominion and applied for Starfleet Academy under the tactical program.   Unfortunately her time in Starfleet Academy proved a considerable struggle for her as growing up in a very small and isoalted environment like a Vulcan starship meant she was unprepared for the complexities of multi-cultural melting pots like those found in Starfleet. She was overwhelmed by emotions both within herself and with those around her causing her to get distracted and neglect her studies on several occasions. With the Dominion War breaking out she was quickly placed on a front line ship despite her uneven academic performance and when her ship was boarded by Jem'Hadar she not only led a successful counter-attack but also boarded a nearby Romulan Warbird likewise undergoing boarding actions and in 2374 she received the SCVS for exceptional courage under fire.
T'Sirrak was fast tracked for promotion however shortly before the offiicial order came she instigated a fight with another security officer resulting in severe injuries for herself. Her promotion was pulled and she spent almost a year in recovery before being transferred to the USS Orpheus in 2377.   NOTE: After undergoing extensive medical testing it seems that T'Sirrak is afflicted with a very rare Vulcan fertility disease that causes her reproductive cycle to rapidly fluctuate. This seems to be the catalyst for several of the incidents in her history and as a result she has already had three children in cycles matching three times the frequency of the average Vulcan. Vulcan experts are still formulating a treatment plan but T'Sirrak is the first vulcan in hundreds of years to be diagnosed with this condition so prognosis is uncertain for now.
Starfleet Academy
2374, 51st percentile Martial Status
Single, 3 children
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2377-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Kozhedub (2374-2377)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
January 15th, 2351
Year of Birth
2350 31 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations