
The Nausicaans were a humanoid species from Nuasicaa in the Beta Quadrant.  


Historical records show Nausicaans achieved warp status and spanned multiple star systems thousands of years ago however some sort of unrecorded societal declined fractured their society into a decentralized clan structure and caused a technological devolution. By the time Starfleet encountered them, the Nausicaans had an established reputation as pirates and raiders. For the last two hundred years Nausicaan society has remained technologically stagnant and highly scattered.  


Nausicaans were typically observed to have a large and muscular physique, generally surpassing two meters in height, with great physical strength. Their faces were commonly ashen in color and were distinguished by a prominent bone structure, with sharp tusks protruding at either side of their mouths. Some Nausicaans also had a line of four small horns that ran vertically down the forehead. Nausicaans were known to be robust and hardy lending itself well to physical labor or combat. It is hypothesized that Nausicaan's are genetically compaitable with other species but there are no known Nausicaan Hybrids.  

Society & Culture

The Nausicaans are an anarchial society organize mostly into families, with the strongest Nausicaans bullying and dominating the weaker ones, with the weak doing all the work for the former. Survival is the greatest virtue in Nausicaan society, as they believe that the strong survive and prosper by their strength while the weak survive by doing what they’re told due to their world being home to some massive creatures. After becoming old enough to survive on their own, Nausicaans work for the family.   This has risen to a reputation that Nausicaans are thugs, operating across the galaxy as muscles-for-hire or cheap labor. There is no centralized Nausicaan government which has prevented them as a species making any long term alliances, instead different groups from the Federation to Orion Syndicates work with individual Nausicaan families, some of which span hundreds of members.   Despite their reputation as brutes, the Nausicaans have developed a rich culture. They have a detailed religion centered around the primary gods, the Four Winds that reside within the Heart of the Sky which is a metaphor for an afterlife or higher plane of existence. In addition, Nausicaan "tusk opera" is very popular among non-Nausicaans.