Nurse Freya Girbach (Fray-ah Grr-back)

Freya Girbach is a nurse serving on the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Overview

Girbach is a testament to the success of Federation rehabilitation programs compared to other government's judicial systems. Through hard work and dedication Girbach was able to transition from being a career criminal stealing and conning her way through the galaxy into a trained medical nurse who saved many lives during her career in Starfleet. Due to her experiences on the fringe of society she is generally unfazed by catastrophe and is noted for being cool and collected during a crisis. While her bedside manner can be generously described as stoic, once she is  off shift she is noted for a carefree and fun loving attitude.    NOTE: While on board the ship there should be no issues with her past, there are concerns that during shore leave she might slip back into pre-Federation patterns that could end up being disruptive for her or the rest of the crew.  

Biographical Overview

Girbach was born on Earth in 2336 to parents that preferred to live apart from normal society. While officially listed as artists in Federation databanks, their criminal records pointed more at classifying them as smugglers and con artists. Throughout her childhood almost every relative of hers spent time in the judicial system. In 2344 her father was caught in Klingon space and was sent to a forced labor camp where he would later die. Her mother was imprisoned by Ferengi in 2356 for fraud and while alive the debts she has incurred in prison mean she is effectively serving a life sentence.    Girbach, along with her siblings and extended family, continued to skirt the rule of law and there are allegations of various criminal activities extending from 2354 to 2367. Finally in 2367 she was caught smuggling illicit pharmaceuticals within Federation space and was sentenced to 15 years labor at a penal colony. During her time in prison she studied and achieved certification in both nursing and chemistry and because of this and the outbreak of the Dominion War she was released early in 2372 on the condition that she serves the remainder of her sentence working for Starfleet. After a two year probationary period on Starbase 13 she was cleared for starship assignment and in 2374 was assigned to the USS Nightingale.
Starfleet Academy
N/A Martial Status
Married (Kai Girbach)
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2374-present)
Previous Assignments
Starbase 13 (2372-2374)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
June 21st, 2336
Year of Birth
2336 45 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations