Po. Boku Tuwen (Bo-koo Two-when)

Boku Tuwen was a computer technician on the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

Boku has developed a bit of an aggressive personality due to her troubled upbringing. When challenged she can become defensive very quickly although she is learning to let her guard down more and that not every challenge requires a fight or flight response. Once she accepts someone as a friend however she can be very open and sincere with them. She also demonstrates a protective and loyal nature that has been known to interfere slightly with her work as during training she would cover for her friends mistakes. One issue of note is the acquired xenophobia she has developed. While she is trusting enough with Bajorans and Humans, other species can quickly illicit feelings of hostility and distrust in her, especially Ferengi , Cardassian, and Orion individuals due to her upbringing.   ADDENDUM: During her training she developed a very close friendship with Po. Marshall and the two have demonstrated repeated efforts to support one another which should be invaluable for Boku's transition into starship operations.

Biographical Overview

Boku was born on the Bajoran colony world Golana. Subjecteda t birth to the Cardassian occupation she was born into extreme poverty and her family lived in constant fear of being dragged out of their homes by the Cardassians to serve as an example to the other colonists. In 2360 a passing Ferengi trader made planetfall and her parents made arrangements for them all to be smuggled off-planet. Unfortunately for them the Ferengi decided to "deposit" them into a black market slave auction and Boku along with her family were sold off as laborers to a group of Orion miners. Her family was subjected to harsh conditions under completely new masters and her father passed away from exhaustion in 2362. In 2363 the slaves were freed by a Federation task force although due to the occupation her family remained as refugees moving from haven to haven until 2369 when they were finally able to return to their home on Golana.   Boku's education was very piecemeal although when it was available she showed considerable promise for becoming an officer in Starfleet. While she showed great technical expertise as she had been assigned to repair the equipment the miners had used as a child, she lacked the other fundamentals for a robust education. Instead she enlisted in starfleet in 2376 and earned her certification as a computer technician and received her first assignment to join the USS Nightingale in 2377.
Starfleet Academy
N/A Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2377-present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
October 30th, 2354
Year of Birth
2354 27 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations