Po. Chonnoss lorin Crarg (Chon-nos Eye-or-in Kwarg)

Chonnoss Iorin Crarg serves as a transporter technician on the USS Orpheus. (Beta Shift)  

Psyhological Profile

Rugged and determined, Crarg displays a stubborn determined focus that is common among Tellarites. Outside of her professional duties she remains reserved but owing to her experience and competency she tends to develop a group of junior crew that look to her for guidance, especially those crew that are thinking about converting a short term enlistment into a career in Starfleet. Recently she has been issuing numerous complaints that her work is being sabotaged and although she has a long list of potential suspects she has no real evidence that it is happening. Instead she claims that settings are set up wrong, that buffers are out of alignment and a various number of small but important misalignments that she doesn't feel can be attributed to natural wear and tear.  

Biographical Overview

Crarg came from a very conservative family that believed that every child born was born for a specific purpose. Her parents had a grand vision of an entire family that would streamline production top to bottom. Her younger brother would come up with an idea, Crarg would design the production process, and her older brother would put those plans into place. Vertical integration within a family unit.   Crarg rejected this pre-destination and spent her youth in open rebellion against her parents. Security reports were filed repeatedly as she would run away or get into minor youth mischief, she was sent to counseling and family therapy and she was even tutored in industiral design when she was twelve years old. As soon as she completed her primary education in 2349 she left Tellar Prime and never returned. After a few months drifting through Federation space she enlisted into Starfleet as an operations specialist. From there she has served in a variety of roles in a variety of ships across Starfleet. By the time she was assigned to the USS Orpheus in 2378 she had already completed three previous deep space exploration voyages and had earned her specialty as a Petty Officer for transport operations.
Starfleet Academy Class
N/A, enlisted in 2354
Martial Status
Married (Gigrush Crarg, 2 children)
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2378-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Geirangerfjord [NCC-74562] (2374-2378)
USS Metternich [NCC-17626] (2362-2374)
USS Toledo [NCC-77247] (2359-2362)
Starbase 555 (2354-2359)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
September 7th, 2331
Year of Birth
2331 50 Years old
Tellar Prime
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations