Po. Dallas Buckley

Dallas Buckley is a damage control team lead serving on the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

Buckley describes himself as not the sharpest tool in the drawer but what he lacks in brains he makes up for in dedication. It is likely that Buckley went through his childhood with an undiagnosed and untreated learning disability as despite his own appraisal he has proven to be quite ingenious at times and has earned several commendations working in a highly technical and mentally demanding field. As long as it doesn't involve taking tests and completing assignments he seems to be quite skilled at engineering. He seems to be happily married and just recently celebrated the birth of his second daughter however there are notes in his file that indicate he can be quite flirtatious to females he is working with. While so far nothing has come about it and no formal complaints have been made this behavior is quite contrasting to how he describes his relationship to his wife.    Buckley is grappling with minor PTSD due to his missions during the war. While he maintains a very positive attitude he has reported difficulty sleeping and this is a common symptom of psychological trauma. He is fully cleared for active duty however it is recommended he receive regular medical appointments to monitor and manage these symptoms.  

Biographical Overview

Buckley was born during a colony evacuation on board the USS Potemkin. The planet his parents were living on was threatened by a solar flare and was being temporarily relocated to a safe spot until the radiation dissipated. While the journey was not very long, Buckley's mother was already in labor when the evacuation was called for and thus he was born on a Federation starship. His parents ended up serving in starfleet as administrators and bureaucrats but Buckley even at a young age indicated he wanted to serve on starships and be an explorer. During his youth while he showed some technical aptitude he struggled to focus on school and when he graduated primary school in 2363 he didn't bother trying for Starfleet academy, instead enlisting directly into the Engineering corps.   Despite initial examinations proving to be barely passing, Buckley ended up serving with distinction on numerous vessels. In 2363 he was assigned to the medical ship USS Jex-Blake before being re-assigned to the logistics transport USS Amundsen in 2364. In 2366 he was promoted and served on the USS Prague for many years earning several commendations for his service. When the Dominion War in broke out he was re-assigned to the USS Kawaski that served on the front lines. In 2373 he was part of the ██████ ██ ███ ██████ ██████ where he ███████████ █ ████████ ████ ███ ███ ████ ██ ████████ ██ ██ █████████ ███ ██████████████ ████████ ██ ██████. While this mission was successful it was decided to never again to carry out such missions. Buckley continued to fight on the front before receiving an injury  causing temporary re-assignment back to Earth for healing. In 2376 his removal from the Kawaski was made official and he was later that year assigned to the USS Nightingale instead.
Starfleet Academy
N/A Martial Status
Married (Liza Buckley), 2 children
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2377-present)
Previous Assignments
USS Kawaski (2372-2376)
USS Prague (2366-2372)
USS Amundsen(2364-2366)
USS Jex-Blake (2363-2364)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
April 25th, 2345
Year of Birth
2345 36 Years old
USS Potemkin
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations