Po. Kennald Invershaw

Kennald Invershaw serves as a supply officer on the USS Orpheus. (Alpha Shift)  

Psychological Profile

Invershaw comes from deep roots with Starfleet. His family tree boasts dozens of admirals, and his great great uncle campagined (and lost) the election for Federation President. Invershaw wants little to do with those family ties. He greatly resented his father for trying to foce Invershaw in following that path and up until his father's death their relationship was contentious. Their last communication was a viscious verbal exchange and now Invershaw carries the guilt of what the last words to his father were. This death seems to have focused Invershaw on service to Starfleet. Based on gathered criminal reports he was on his way towards organized crime and piracy when his father's death triggered a hard pivot into serving the greater good instead of preying on it. For a supply officer his knowledge of the black market has proven to be very useful and he can get supplies even when the quartermasters back in Central Command say that resupply is unvailable. He has said that as long as nobody looks too closely at how he is getting these supplies, everyone will be happy with the results.    

Biographical Overview

Invershaw is the sone of Adm. Idonis Invershaw, his father. The admiral put a lot of pressure on his son to join the academy and carry on the family legacy but Invershaw rebelled agaisnst this idea, running away from home as soon as he completed his primary education. He drifted throughout the quadrant, crossing in and out of Federation space for several years and records from these time periods are very spotty.
In 2374 his father was killed fighting the Dominion in the Tyra system along with most of the Seventh Fleet. Invershaw appeared back in Federation space within the week and had enlisted to support the war effort. He was assigned to serve on the USS Defiant and saw some of the heaviest fighting during his time aboard that ship. When the Breen attacked the Federation he was able to escape the ship before it was destroyed by the combination Breen/Dominion forces. He was re-assigned to the USS Orpheus in anticipation of being part of an attack into the Gamma Quadrant but the war ended before that mission could be carried out and he has continued serving on the Orpheus ever since.
Starfleet Academy Class
N/A, enlisted in 2374
Martial Status
Married (Issac Torin)
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2375-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Defiant [NX-74205] (2374-2375)
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
February 11th, 2345
Year of Birth
2345 36 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations