Po. Remko Teunder

Remko Teunder is a bridge engineer console operator on the USS Nightingale 

Psychological Profile

It is difficult to get a true measure of Teunder's personality as he is is a very agreeable person who conforms to those around him. This makes him an ideal subordinate as he rarely, if ever, questions the orders of a superior or even a peer however this has shown some limit to his ability to provide leadership. This lack of a strong sense of self has limited both his personal advancement and has impacted his relationships with others. His parents pushed him into Starfleet, his wife pushed him into their relationship and to raise a family and is now pushing them towards separation. It is truly remarkable that while onboard the USS Kharkov he took command and led the ship out of danger. It was such a change of personality for Teunder that survivors of the Kharkov were sent through an additional round of evaluation to fully evaluate their accounts. It seems that the ability to take charge and exert his will is possible for Teunder however it is very buried under his willingness to serve others most of the time.   Biographical Overview Teunder was born on Earth to a pair of semi-retired Starfleet engineers. Although his academic scores were perfectly adequate to get into Starfleet Academy, his family pushed him towards enlisting instead as this is what they had done at his age. Although he applied for the Academy and was accepted, he declined the invitation and enlisted instead becoming a technician for Starfleet.   He was assigned to Starbase 55 in 2367 where he served without much distinction. He put in a request for starship duty and in 2371 he was assigned to the USS Pollux serving along the border with the Breen. In 2373 he was re-assigned to the USS Kharkov and later that year the Kharkov had a series of engagement with Dominion forces along the Cardassian border. Near star system Delta Clu the Kharkov was hit by a torpedo volley and the entire command crew was incapacitated. Although Teunder was the lowest ranking person on the bridge he rallied the other officers long enough for the ship to evade enemy fire and escape to warp. The Kharkov was sent back to the shipyards for repairs and Teunder received a commendation for his service. He was assigned to the USS Bannockburn in 2373. In 2375 he earned his promotion to Petty Officer and was assigned to the USS Nightingale.
Starfleet Academy
N/A Martial Status
Married (Saartje Teunder), 1 child
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2375-present)
Previous Assignments
USS Bannockburn (2373-2375)
USS Kharkov (2373-2373)
USS Pollux (2371-2373)
Starbase 55(2367-2371)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
May 13th, 2349
Year of Birth
2348 33 Years old
Earth h
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations