The Shuttle Holographic Artificial Intelligence is a new experimental technology equipped on the USS Orpheus.

SHAI equipped shuttles can have a hologram act as its primary or secondary pilot.   Capabilities included with SHAI are as follows:
  • PIlot Assistance - SHAI is capable of performing maneuvers, evasive actions, and precision landing that far exceeds the capabilities of traditional autopilot systems.
  • Emergency Protocols - a SHAI-equipped shuttle can monitor the health and cognitive conditions of its inhabitants and automatically activate if the crew is incapacitated.
  • Navigation Expertise - SHAI is connected to Astrometrics and Stellar Cartography to automatically provide accurate awareness of stellar hazards and phenomenon that have been detected.
  • Adaptive Learning - As an AI, SHAI can adapt to individual needs providing a more tailored and comfortable flight for its passengers.
  • Interaction and Communication - SHAI allows passengers to interact more naturally with the shuttle's systems without relying on specific commands to the ship's computer or training in shuttle operations. SHAI also interacts with the ship's systems in an organic way allowing it to teach and demonstrate techniques.
SHAI manifests as a holographic represntation and SHAI-equipped shuttles have enhanced power generation to support holographic emitters that allow it to activate and interact with shuttle controls and the crew. SHAI is also capable of augmenting interfaces with customized holographic UIs to better support organic crew.
While SHAI has been in development within Starfleet for nearly a decade it has been decided that the USS Orpheus would become the first field tester for the SHAI interface.