
The Sikarians are a warp-capable sentient humanoid species from outside the known borders of explored space


The Federation has only one confirmed contact with the Sikarian species: Cmn. Ortel. Ortel has not volunteered any details about the history of the Sikarians, other then that their civilization is about technologically on par or more advanced than the Federation and that it is located tens of thousands of light years away from Federation space. She declined to explain how she was able to navigate that much space within her lifetime and has only said that it was a one-way trip for her.  


Biologically, the Sikarians appear to be very similar to Humans and other Alpha/Beta Quadrant humanoids.  

Society & Culture

As with her history, Ortel has not volunteered any information about the cultures of the Sikarians. It is observed that she always wears a wire-frame halo and it seems to bear some significance to her people. She has successfully lobbied to be allowed to wear it as part of her uniform but the specific details about it remain unclear.