Cmn. Corta Ortel

Corta Ortel serves as a security crewman on the USS Orpheus. (Epsilon Team)  

Psychological Profile

Given the lack of background information on Ortel it is difficult to make a proper assessement. Based on her asylum screenings and her Starfleet enlistment counseling sessions it is clear that there is more to her origin story than previously indicated. What follows is pure speculation but a species capable of intra-galactic transportation seems unlikely to be reckless when it comes to their testing protocols. If there was a malfunction it seems unlikely she would have been transported anywhere survivable given the effective infinite amount of deep space versus the very finite amount of haitable places and the even small finite amount of places close to civilization. Speculation beyond that is impossible however supervisors should use caution and discretion when trying to uncover more details about her background.   As for her personality, Ortel has a bit of a temper and seems particularly sensitive to being underestimated for her combat ability. The fighting style she uses, which she calls Void Claw, is very effective at attacking joints and breaking or dislocating limbs and Ortel has been known to fight in a rather flamboyant way speaking towards a background in gladitorial or combat arenas where fighting is equal parts combat and spectacle.  

Biographical Overview

Prior to 2375 information about Ortel is very limited. She claims that her species, the Sikarians, are based in the Delta Quadrant and have the technology to transport across tens of thousands of light years. She claims that she was a test subject on a project to double that range allowing almost instantaneous transportation across the entire galaxy. The device malfunctioned and she was stranded on the fringes of Federation space and she requested asylum. Although her story seems far-fetched medical scans show traces of exotic radiation that does not match the cosmic radiation found in the Alpha or Beta Quadrants. Ultimately as there was no contradictions found, the Federation accepted her story at face value and granted her asylum. She decided to enlist in 2376 displaying knowledge of a fighting style completely unknown to Starfleet and was assigned as a security personnel to the USS Orpheus.
Starfleet Academy Class
N/A, enlisted in 2376
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2376-Present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
July 23rd, 2351
Year of Birth
2351 30 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations