Vaugliloax Syndicate (Vawg-lee-lox)

The Vaugliloax Syndicate is a large collection of Hazbuzi raiding and trading clans that work together as a form of democratic union. Every clan leader votes on matters that effect the Syndicate as a whole such as determining borders of operations for the clans or resolving inter-clan disputes. The central Syndicate also manages the extensive slaving empire by configuring the "Gutters", brutal slave collaring devices that bind a slave to a specific location on pain of death.    For most outsiders there isn't a single point of contact with the Vaugliloax. Instead outsiders negotiate through local clans, like the Polok or Kenzer or Tronkels and if something is of sufficient importance a moot is called to discuss the terms.    In practice the rules and guidelines of the Vaugliloax are treated very loosely. Despite having strict rules against it, it is not uncommon for raiders to prey on one another or smuggle goods outside clan borders.    Ultimately the Vaugliloax way is that it is better to seek forgiveness than ask permission and nothing is a crime if you don't get caught for it.
Notable Members