Cramacò (krah-mah-ko)

Leader of the Keepëré.   This rank is also a name. When a new Cramacò is chosen they forsake their name and title and house to mantle this name, Cramacò. The choosing process for Cramacò is unknown and internal. Cramcò are also the only rank in the Keepëré that are allowed to show their face and allowed a seemingly normal life, attending parties, banquets, events, and even vacations. The responsibility of the entire Keepëré is entire on their shoulders, however, and when trouble befalls the throne they are first to answer, and it's usually fatal. This ensure dutiful security of the throne.   The name derives from the first Keepëré captain, a warrior known as Cramac.   The current Cramacò was chosen in 4E 2699.
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