Keepëré (keep-ee-ray)

A gift from Nilesian Court during Sylvain's rise to power, these elite guardians suffer no ill towards Our Majesty. They are quiet guards who speak with their refined and deadly weapons. They wear cloaks of rich yellow to signify their allegiance to Hlee. Feathers bristle atop their faceless helms. Their large tower shields protect them dutifully when they set them on the stone. When in a group they form semi-circles to protect their liege.   Their training is done in secret and many believe them to be a cult, though this is rebuked. Some possess magical talent while others do not. There is no leadership within the ranks; all follow the thrones orders and theirs alone. Indeed, their duty is to protect the throne with their very lives.   Great House Vialy produces the most Keepëré than any other house for they are raised to it.
Overall training Level
Ranks & Titles


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