Great Houses of Hlee
The Great Houses are the twenty most important and influential clans. Most are in Overcity though a few are in the upper reaches of Undercity (denoted with a UC).
TTRPG system-specific info
D&D Fifth Edition In D&D 5E, every Great House owns the following magic item amounts: 1 Rare, 1d4-1 (at least 1) Uncommon, 1d6 (reroll 1s) Common.
- Austell—One of the most successful houses in Hlee, both financially and influence.
- Boden (UC)—A house of great masons, known for building the stairs of the Undercity long ago.
- Bolitho—Known for stablehands, equestrians, and soldiers.
- Clymo—Provides clerics, clergymen, priests of many deities.
- Cowling—House of missionaries and roving clerics.
- Galtey-Inch—Smithers and fletchers, making all armaments for guards and soldiers.
- Godden—Librarians, scholars, as well as viziers and advisors come from this house.
- Gynn—From a famed Champion, provides diplomats and connections to the city and customers.
- Joliffe—Masterminds of battlefields, generals and guards of the Saroadym gates are from here.
- Kivner—House dedicated to military prowess. Home of Sellswords and soldiers.
- Nancarrow (UC)—Raises astute clerics, paladins, usually of Pelor or Moradin.
- Ninnis (UC)—Jewelcutters and craftsmen to rival dwarves.
- Penhaligon—Provides excellent laborers and merchants whose diligence is unrivaled.
- Penhallow—The house that produces the most guards, excellent sentries.
- Rosewall—A house of great adventurers and treasure-seekers.
- Tregonning—Offers charitable services, have various hrines on their premises.
- Treseder—Known for their fierce warriors, formidable druids, and deep ties to the roving bands in the hills.
- Trivithick—Raises educators and lovers of all knowledge.
- Vialy—All the best Keepëré are from this house.
- Wickett—Cunning lawyers and judiciaries.